Oh that felt good, that felt brilliant !
I headed down to the lake at South Hykeham tonight for a spot of wetsuit swimming with Lincoln Tri.
Previously, the furthest that I had swum open water was the 750 metres at the Mallory Park Tri early last month. Since then, it has all been pool based fun.
Tonight, all I wanted to do was about 1000m and then work my way upwards next week. When I looked out onto the lake and saw the 750m bouy well into the distance, I set my sights a little lower and planned to give up after one circuit.
The water was cool but not freezing cold and the lake was quite clear meaning I could see the bottom for the most part. After about ten minutes of swimming I began to enjoy it, and once I had got round once , I decided to to go again. The second circuit took a little longer than the first, and as a bonus I enjoyed a massive rain shower for the last 400 metres !
My kit bag was soaked when I got back to it, but it didn't matter, I had had a blast!
brill, its inspired me to go tomorrow. I am a bit nervous 'cos I've never done an open water swim but am a strong swimmer and really fancy doing it! thanks