April 15, 2012

MK Codebreaker Sportive 100km

It was this past Bank Holiday Monday (9/4) that I made the two hour trip down to Milton Keynes for Race Timing Systems 100 kilometre Sportive around Milton Keynes.

I did this event last year in preparation for my Ironman, and really enjoyed it. I remember it being a decent sunny day in parts and very busy - I also managed to average above 16mph and recorded a time of 3.51.39 and it was that time that I was aiming to beat as I arrived at the Tattenhoe Sports Pavillion H.Q.

The weather was cold and wet, and as I pulled up I could see that there were a lot of entrants that had made the decision to stay in bed - this meant that I was one of just 68 that actually turned up to complete the event.

Once I had registered and collected my free gillet, I was set on my way 9.07. Within the first mile, I was grateful that I had decided to wear my waterproof jacket because the rain was really heavy. I also noticed just how quiet it was as there was nobody overtaking me as there had been last year and I also felt that I was riding faster. The first 10km came and went, and before I knew it I turned right, and into the hardest climb of the day - Great Brickhill ! Now, last year, I struggled up this multi layered climb, but to be honest, this year, it was a lot kinder and the recent Grimpeur ride has really helped with my climbing.

Newton Blossomville marked about halfway on the course and as I rode through there I reflected on just how well I thought I had ridden the first half of the loop in what were apalling conditions - however, I soon turned into a headwind, and the second half of the course became a painful slog as the cold bit through my legs and the rain never stopped. I didn't let up with the effort though and all the way round beleived that I could sneak under last years time.

It was not to be though as firstly 3.51 came and went, and then the 4 hr time flashed by. One last push later though, and I was over the line in 4.01.39 - exactly 10 mins slower than last year.

In all then, I rode better but one the day the condions had me. I plan to return next year for another bite !

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