October 18, 2020

The last month of the time trialling season

We are at the end of another season, albeit short, but packed with rides, and time trialling events that were covid secure and ran like clockwork once every one sussed out how to do it. My hope is that next year can continue in the same way.  This report starts with the National 25 on two wheels, and end with the Vets National 25 on tricycle - a nicely book ended update which will be appreciated by those with a touch of OCD.

27.09.20 National 25 -  56.51  91st

Happy to get in with a seasons best of 54.00, I was there purely to make up the numbers as the rockstars like Dowsett and Archibald fought it out for the title. There were two of us from Lincoln Wheelers and we were supported at the turn by the guys that had ridden over to make some noise. Even with a knackered chainring, and a strong horrible headwind out, I ground out my best ride of the year on metrics, to finish ahead of expectations. I was really happy with this ride ! 

10.10.20  Holme Wheelers Hillclimb (trike) 13.28.3

This was novel. Holme Moss hillclimb on a barrow. We had decided to have our own tit (tricycle incline trophy) competition and chose this event.  8 of us enetered, 7 rode the event, of which I managed second place in the TiT. To be honest, the nervy part was riding the trike down the hill from the car park. Riding back up was just hard work and I didn't have enough gears, really churning up in parts. It was fun though, and I might do some more HCs next year at the end of the season and see if I can't ride the National.

18.10.20  VTTA National 25 (trike)  59.46

The very last TT of the year and one that should have taken place two weeks before. It was now cold, and there were lots of DNSs. In a quiet race with no one to chase or chasing, I rode the barrow to power aiming for the 267 watts I got in August, and achieving 265 watts. Given the freewheeling on a trike in parts, I'd say this was well ridden and a nice end to the season. All good, and didn't ever think I'd get one in, so to get almost three months of racing was an excellent bonus !

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