Otherwise known as the quiet tandem affair as I rode it with my brother Dave, me on the front of the tandem trike as a reindeer and him on the back as Santa. We completed the look with a sack of toys in the back rack. We negotiated the course with no real problems and were pleased with our time of 28.11. Picture of this fancy dress travesty below...
New Years Day 19.17
A much of a much-ness for a New Years Day - the time was in the usual ball park and I came third - a top 3 is usual. We had a strange north/north easterly wind of 12mph and it was drizzly wet throughout. the temperature was about 6 degress and I found out as I rode my warm up that my power meter wasn't transmitting so that meant that I'd be riding the event on feel, just as I did last year.
I was no 8 and that feeling I get when I'm racing away from the start is a joy that I have missed. I was rough around the edges, being the first event in three months, but I concentrated hard on an even cadence and an even pace - it felt good. My heart rate didn't want to get going though and I would have expected to see it at c.175-180, whereas it sat at about 168-171.
Still, on a poor day, it was a decent result when I crossed the line in 19.17. Next event is another three month wait and hopefully I'll be further on in my training plan than I am now.
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