And so the knuckle down training has started for my Ironman adventure at the start of July, by following Don Fink's 'Be IronFit' book which has three plans in it all based on a 30 week training plan.
There's 'just get round', intermediate , and a faster one which I can't remember ( which is likely that I looked at the volumes and then sellotaped that section shut ! )
I'm loosely following a large proportion of 'just get round' and using some of the intermediate programme and so far its working reasonably well. I have just finished week 10 which means that the initial base phase is completed and that we have now moved on to the build phase.
To give some idea of the volumes so far, the longest swim has been 45 mins, longest bike 2hrs 30 mins and longest run 1 hr 30 mins. These volumes are now increasing slightly and I will be expected to regularly swim 1 hr slots and run to about 2 hours.
The good thing is that already I feel ready to race shorter tri's but have to wait until 27th March - still though, there is the Duathlon to look forward to in a couple of weeks and that should give me the fix that I think I need !