September 15, 2024

2024 World Long Distance Duathlon Championships - Powerman Zofingen

This was my second visit to these Championships having been a finisher in 2022, where I would place 7th with a time of  8:08.  Last year had been all about getting that Ironman count to ten and done and this year had been a mix of club time trialling, road and circuit racing, with a few duathlons thrown in for good measure.  Earlier in the year, we had been over to Germany for the middle distance championships, but this one was the pearl in the crown of the year. All things being equal, I went into it about level run wise, having treated and managed a tendon injury since June 23, and bike wise, an OK season, but maybe 15W adrift of 2022.

Pre Race 

Wednesday evening Ferry over to Rotterdam, then stayed over at Metz, at the IBIS Metropol, where again I did an eveing run, but this time found a fab lake to run around ! Then in the morning on to Zofingen to stay again at the Partner Hotel - I am a creature of habit !  A couple of freshener bike rides later and I was ready for the event.

Run 1 - 6.29 miles  48:44

This was a good controlled opening run. I didn't pore over my watch and ran a good strong pace. Nicer course than 2022, but a bit longer (6.29 v 5.25 miles '22), average mile pace better, but less climbing at 525ft versue previous 750ft.  Came into transition in good spirits.

Bike - 90.84 miles   5:07:50

For this I took the Trinity, nearly in 100 mile position, just one set of spacers short, 303 front, disc on back. I had swapped out my dura ace chainring for a compact 50/34 on the front and 12-30 cassette on the rear.  I had the nose cone on, with a bottle and a half of ph mixed Ribena inside. Snacks would be OTE gluten flapjack and Asda Jelly Babies. It is 3 laps with two significant climbs by halfway and then a couple of bumps late on. In 2022 I had averaged 18.7 mph, and a 4:45 split on Cyril and was convinced that I could shave 15 minutes off that this time round with the changes I had implemented.

Out on the course, theory didn't work ! My first lap went well to be fair, I controlled power, span a good low gear on the climbs and then worked well on the flats. At the end of the first lap I was confident of doing the next 2 exactly the same, but something was up, initially working harder for the same out put and then feeling quite sickly, maybe not eating enough or maybe a reaction to the food i did eat. Either way I was struggling and both power and RPE going in the wrong direction. I fought the urge to quit many times. At the end of the bike, I thought I had one lap of the run in me, so i at least would give that a go.

2nd Run - 15.69 miles   2:19:35

Something surprising happened, once upright, and running, I went very well, not making up places, but narrowing the gap I'm sure. There was one particular gravelled and steep section that I would walk a little of, but other than that, I ran strong and much better than anticipated. The heavens had opened and that was the wettest run ever - but I loved that, and revelled in it. At the end of each lap, I would say to myself - 'shall we do another ?' 'Yes, whyever not ' came the reply. I really liked the four laps of just shy of four miles and it was mentally easier as well. Most of the climbing over by halfway, and then easy downhill mostly from there.  AT the end of the fourth lap, I had recovered to a time of 8:20:01 which was shy of my target, but could have been so much worse.

After the event, I was ill twice, and missed the awards ceremony so something defo up and digestion based. There are things to change -  I could have used a 52/36 as ran out of gears too often, I wouldn't use the nose cone for fluids, and look at my food and calorie intake more closely. 

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