October 07, 2024

Chester Marathon 2024

 I don't know if I've mentioned it, but I have decided to have a year off running in 2025, and the reason for this is two fold - firstly, I have had this tendon injury that has been managed with acupuncture since June 2023, and secondly, there has been a decline in my time trialling ability, and I'd like to solely concentrate on the bike for the first winter in 16 years and see if it is reversible.

Therefore, there was just this race and an end of season Yorkshire 10 mile to complete before I sign off. This report is how I found Chester Marathon 2024....

Pre Race - stayed at Travelodge at Knutsford Services that was 35-40 minutes away from Chester. Pasta party at Park Gate inn which had great food, and then left the hotel at 7 to arrive at the car park opposite the Racecourse at 7.30 - it got very busy thereafter so perfect timing. Sat in the car for a bit and then headed over for bag drop and find the others for which I failed.  Weather was overcast and there was rain as we lined up for the start. A good 5000 runners or so but all things nicely managed and easy enough to navigate.

Race time... 

Having done Yorkshire Marathon in 2022 at 3:18, I knew I was not quite in that form, and with a tougher course, I set out to be between 3:20-3:30, to achieve this I would mark the 3:15 pacers until about mile 16, and then if the pace dropped in the second half, then I would be able to control a sub 3:30 finish. I lined up, and started directly next to those pacers and all was well.....

... for about half a mile, and then the pacers I saw no more, they had gone up the road, not because I was off the pace, but because they were well ahead. My first few miles ticked off at 7:20/7:13/7:19 - so I knew I was on for pace knowing that 3:15 pace is 7:27 per mile and in fact the first 12 miles only saw one mile above that level and that had a climb in it - therefore felt good as we hit half way where I was inside 3:15 pace by a handful of seconds.  It was biting though, and with the field stringing out there were less and less runners to draft and at that stage I started to put in miles that were 20 seconds above my first half pace - I figured that would be OK though. At mile 16/17 we hit a climb that I thought was Heartbreak Hill but know I know there are two more late on and I'm still not sure which it is.... anyway, I conservatively climbed the first one and at the top of that saw my pace drop to just above 8 minute miling  for 5 miles, putting in 8:06/8:08/8:06/8:06/8:09 up until and including mile 22. 

The last 4 miles averaged 8:30 as my legs really started to tighten up and running became ungainly and uncomfortable - I was nearly empty and could feel that my feet were very sore and blisters had formed. Hobbling back into Chester I managed each mile at a time and avoided the wheels completely falling off. Finishing in 3:24:07, that was a more than acceptable way to sign off from my last competitive run for a good while. 

Finishing stats :


MV50 53/293

September 15, 2024

2024 World Long Distance Duathlon Championships - Powerman Zofingen

This was my second visit to these Championships having been a finisher in 2022, where I would place 7th with a time of  8:08.  Last year had been all about getting that Ironman count to ten and done and this year had been a mix of club time trialling, road and circuit racing, with a few duathlons thrown in for good measure.  Earlier in the year, we had been over to Germany for the middle distance championships, but this one was the pearl in the crown of the year. All things being equal, I went into it about level run wise, having treated and managed a tendon injury since June 23, and bike wise, an OK season, but maybe 15W adrift of 2022.

Pre Race 

Wednesday evening Ferry over to Rotterdam, then stayed over at Metz, at the IBIS Metropol, where again I did an eveing run, but this time found a fab lake to run around ! Then in the morning on to Zofingen to stay again at the Partner Hotel - I am a creature of habit !  A couple of freshener bike rides later and I was ready for the event.

Run 1 - 6.29 miles  48:44

This was a good controlled opening run. I didn't pore over my watch and ran a good strong pace. Nicer course than 2022, but a bit longer (6.29 v 5.25 miles '22), average mile pace better, but less climbing at 525ft versue previous 750ft.  Came into transition in good spirits.

Bike - 90.84 miles   5:07:50

For this I took the Trinity, nearly in 100 mile position, just one set of spacers short, 303 front, disc on back. I had swapped out my dura ace chainring for a compact 50/34 on the front and 12-30 cassette on the rear.  I had the nose cone on, with a bottle and a half of ph mixed Ribena inside. Snacks would be OTE gluten flapjack and Asda Jelly Babies. It is 3 laps with two significant climbs by halfway and then a couple of bumps late on. In 2022 I had averaged 18.7 mph, and a 4:45 split on Cyril and was convinced that I could shave 15 minutes off that this time round with the changes I had implemented.

Out on the course, theory didn't work ! My first lap went well to be fair, I controlled power, span a good low gear on the climbs and then worked well on the flats. At the end of the first lap I was confident of doing the next 2 exactly the same, but something was up, initially working harder for the same out put and then feeling quite sickly, maybe not eating enough or maybe a reaction to the food i did eat. Either way I was struggling and both power and RPE going in the wrong direction. I fought the urge to quit many times. At the end of the bike, I thought I had one lap of the run in me, so i at least would give that a go.

2nd Run - 15.69 miles   2:19:35

Something surprising happened, once upright, and running, I went very well, not making up places, but narrowing the gap I'm sure. There was one particular gravelled and steep section that I would walk a little of, but other than that, I ran strong and much better than anticipated. The heavens had opened and that was the wettest run ever - but I loved that, and revelled in it. At the end of each lap, I would say to myself - 'shall we do another ?' 'Yes, whyever not ' came the reply. I really liked the four laps of just shy of four miles and it was mentally easier as well. Most of the climbing over by halfway, and then easy downhill mostly from there.  AT the end of the fourth lap, I had recovered to a time of 8:20:01 which was shy of my target, but could have been so much worse.

After the event, I was ill twice, and missed the awards ceremony so something defo up and digestion based. There are things to change -  I could have used a 52/36 as ran out of gears too often, I wouldn't use the nose cone for fluids, and look at my food and calorie intake more closely. 

August 25, 2024

Lincolnshire TLI Road Race League 2024

 For the past two years I'd volunteered as a driver at these events and that was as close as I really got to racing. I'd injured myself at the end of 2018 and the following months of post concussion syndrome had put me off doing road races where you are not always in control of coming off. 

This year I really fancied it and put in an entry for each of the five events - this is how I got on...

Ashby Road Race #1 DNF

A really nice evening and a good working group in group one - we were tonking along nicely and keeping a gap to the groups above. On lap 3 we were just coming in to the camp, and I noticed my front tyre had gone down - my own fault, I knew there was a slow puncture in the tubeless tyre but thought it would be OK. I stopped , got some air in the tyre and then tried to join the group behind but no chance. I quit after lap 3 and went for a brick run instead.

Brattleby Road Race #1

A rotten evening and it showed with the number of DNFs seen. In my group there were only 5 and after the first climb there were 3. We worked very well together to keep away and managed to get up Brattleby Hill on the penultimate time before we got caught. We got on the back and were carried around to the last climb where I was able to get up and over the line in ..

Limber Road Race 

The group on this one was far too large and I tried to use the hill to shed a few. A smaller group would be safer and from then on we worked well as a unit on another gorgeous evening. Again, trying to get up the climb ahead of the chasing group which we managed and then just about getting on to them. A massive effort to get up the last climb which got longer the more times we rode it ! 

Ashby Road Race #2

Good working group but with some missed turns and some riders conspicuous by their absence. I did a mountain of work on this one and an attempted breakaway. We did get caught with about three laps to go and then as a huge peleton we crossed the line with me at the rear - that risk avoidance kicking in again ! 

Brattleby Road Race #2

Last in the series, group 1, really solid set of people, worked hard and got up Brattleby for the 6th time ahead of the chasing groups. Came in 9th despite PR up Brattleby, and bumped up to 12th overall for a nice £20 cash prize.

An amazing series , can't wait for next years !

August 03, 2024

Belvoir Middle Distance Duathlon

 A very hot day for this one and a stepping stone to the Long Distance Champs in 6 weeks time. I would be racing with Ian & Scrappy again, The distances were 10.5k first run, 56 mile bike, and then 10.5k second run.

The reason for the long runs we figured was that it made four laps for a Marathon and two laps for a half so could use the same course. Anyone doing four laps of that run course has my total respect ! 

1st run - 51.27 

Over 6.5 miles this one and a mix of terrain. I erred on the side of caution and opted to do the first run in a new pair of Saucony Speed 4's. It was up and down and was a one lap affair - very testing course and similar to the other Castle events. Not quick at all and I reckon at the end of it I was in 7th.

Bike - 3.00.01

I respected the course too much and opted for the Propel with clip on bars - hindsight being 20/20 I would have risked the TT but didn't want to change the chainrings. It started OK, but after about 15 miles I couldn't keep on the TT pads and did a load os swapping around - all the while losing watts and my profile just sank away. The climb wasn't to long or tough so don't know why I was so scared. Off the bike in 4th, having been 3rd for the majority.

2nd run 58.41

Poor positioning on the bike , lack of brick practice, and downhill running on the first leg conspired to hamper my second run. I didn't walk any which was a positive and I didn't cramp (I'd had a warning on the bike). Race management until the end with a chance of 3rd, but with no additional gear to achieve it. 4th in the end.

Bassingham Bash 5 mile race -  40:14

I ran from home which was just over 7 miles, then did another couple and then topped it off with the race itself. 9 minute miling and then a minute a mile quicker for the race. On a hot day and with not enough water, that was a decent performance and got my long runs going again as now only 5 weeks left !

May 11, 2024


This past weekend, myself and fellow Brit Dave Mason made the trip from Hull via the overnight Ferry, through the Nederlands, and on to Alsdorf in Germany for our second attempt at the European Middle Distance Duathlon Championships. Our last attempt was in 2022, and with the Championships not being held in 2023, then this year was a double helping of qualifiers. It was to be a stacked field, as you would expect.  We stayed in exactlt the same place - base was the De Brenkburg apartments in Schinveld which was a handy 13 miles away from from Alsdorf. Parking was easy as able to park freely in the Supermarket Car Park for each visit including race day free of charge. 

Pre Race

We had just the one tune up on the bike which lasted a whole 37 minutes and took place on a road which ran up and down the Dutch/German border. On the Saturday morning, we registered at the sports shop, and then later that evening we returned for a parade of nations, and a team photo.

1st Run - 6.04 miles - 41.59

8.45am so the age group men 20-54 setting off and this time I think I might have been further forward than last time as although my planned sensible first mile went out of the window, I was going backwards quickly. The leaders snaked off into the distance and then I found my place in the order and stayed in and around the same place. Job done at 6.59 average mile pace which was better than expected given recent injury problems and 7 seconds per mile outside of 2022's run.

Bike - 35.66 miles - 1.38.17

Get on it. Total TT course and a testers dream. Now with added out and back section moving the course from 35.66 miles to 37.17 miles. It does undulate, This year in preparation for Zofingen , I've changed to a 58T double rind set up with shorter cranks of 172.5mm.  I relied on my power meter and tried to keep around last times 223W  The course itself is open to the elements and windy this time around, I was gloveless this time as 12.5 degrees so OK. There were some headwind grinds, some ups and downs, and enough to keep it interesting. 9 dead turns were served up, and quite a few tight turns. I had a powerbar and then a few jelly babies that I struggled to reach, washed down with Ribena and SIS gels. First lap maybe a bit giddy with power as I was aiming for 220-230W but then lost c.10W per lap on 2&3 as the position bit me. I kept a good cadence and finished at 83 which is good for me. 22.7mph on the day and that was all I had. The previous time I'd done the Kings Lynn 25 the weekend before, maybe that was a factor as all my TTing has been 5 miles or 10s so far.

2nd Run - 45.09

First mile I found my legs and put in a 7.07 but I was completely on the rivet and couldn't keep that up, it didn't stay there, and it was a mind over matter exercise as the miles ticked off and the pace ebbed away. I set myself a stop gap of 7:30 minute miles, but lost that late on, but did average 7:30 overall. Some good brick runs done after the bike racing recently helped, however, a lack of racing multi sport this year has found me out.  My hamstrings took a right pasting at this event and I could feel them moaning for the last four miles or so.  A workmanlike performance of 3.08.42.  15th in age group this time round, 

Great to be back in Alsdorf and also to be racing pain free. 

April 01, 2024

January to June 2024...

 2024 is a little bit of a step back year. Let's be honest, last year, as good as it was, well, it was frankly bonkers, and it took something out of me. 3 iron distance left me with lingering issues, and by the end of the year I was constantly running with pain. Just 4 TTs also shaded my bike ability which had always been my saving grace. 

2024 then, no swimming, so that's Triathlon off the menu, also I'll be returning to bread and butter weekly time trialling. A couple of GBR duathlon appearance in the distance but first a tricky leg injury to sort which had been impacting on my running...

3.2.24 Rauceby Ripper   1:15:41

My annual foray into cross country racing. I had been injured, with a calf issue that I'd been working through since the week before Roth last year. I had rested in the week before this race and hoped that I'd be able to limit myself to a strong tempo run. I even started towards the back as I attempted to avoid getting into a bun fight with Ian Pike. Then, without reason, as soon as we were away, I can clearly be seen on a race video smashing myself up the outside of the runners and felt fantastic through the estate and then on the turn down the muddy lane. 100 metres later and in full flow, I could feel the leg injury again and that was that. I dialled down the effort and ran tempo as planned all the way to the finish which was another 8 miles. It was a dry day for the ripper, and very little mud really apart from two or three short sloppy bits. If its dry again next year maybe ill try some road shoes ?

After this race, I claimed on my medical cover from work, and was given 10 physio sessions - which I've been attending , with acupucture being the key to unlocking what was a tendon issue. 

10.3.24 Nottingham Holme 10k 44:21

This was pain free ! A course that I knew from my Triathlon events around this venue - it was a miserable windy wet day, and the course had been altered to a two lap affair up and down one side of the lake, which would give me headwind, backwind, headwind, backwind. This worked out well and as such, I managed to put in a respectable time for the conditions and my lack of sharpness. The event itself was well attended i thought and well organised. It was a shame about the weather but you can't have everything can you ? 

29.3.24 City Road Club Hull 10m TT   23:34

As season openers go, this was on a par with last seasons opening result. I only did four or five TTs all year last year and had the sense that I was slower than in previous years. This outing confirmed it, but with a season of TTs to come, the hope is that I'll find some race sharpness and start to close the 30 second gap to my peak years. This race was on the V714 and the HQ
was the Village Hall at Newport and it was nice to be back here for the first time in a fair few years having been a regular when the V718 was in action. It was a windy day with a southerly wind that whipped across the course. I was no. 56 ao was off just before 11am. Out on the road, it was a good start, and then settled into a watts target maybe 10 watts above my February CP20 test. I held that OK, but didn't achieve the cadence that I was looking for. On the return, it bit, and it bit earlier than I would have liked. Again, race sharpness will help, and if I can get on top of the gearing and get those legs going in that 85-90 rpm range, then I might be in better condition for the final quarter of the race.  28th place, similar start to last year, originally a bit deflated, but in hindsight I'm not too far adrift and there's plenty to work on ! 

Wheelers 5 mile road bike series 12:25, 12:33, 12:35

A series of five mile road bike TTs and a return to regular Tuesday night time trialling with the Wheelers for me. A complete unknown as I'd not done a road bike TT before, but out on the road in my ebay GB skinsuit I soon settled down and was pretty consistent on the three dry but very windy evenings. Good enough for 2nd in the series. Good start to the year.

Lincoln 10k -  49:43

For this event I would again be pacer and took the duties of the 50 minute target on another glorious Lincoln 10k day. Blue skies, sunshine, light winds - takes me back to my 2009 debut !   To finish in 49:40 I would need to average 8:00 minute mileing. On the day the mile splits were pretty even, adding a few seconds per mile - 7:53,7:56, 7:55, 7:58, 7:55, leaving a bit in the bag for the headwind drag up Nettleham road in lime 5/6 8:20 and then a last bit waving the runners . A good mornings work and I think my tenth finish.

Sherwood CC 10 on trike 24:50

First trike ride of the season and first trike TT for a couple of years. The course was the A10/3 on which I'd seen varied results over the years and today it would take me a good 45 seconds to settle the trike down and get used to the nuances of the barrow and the wobbly road surface. A good level effort with the power and I think I grew into this one.

Wheelers 5m TT Series =  11.51 & 11.03

2 weeks of these, on the third, I'd been to Alsdorf so volunteered as start timekeeper instead. Week one , it was a strong headwind out for first three miles which slowed everyone, 2nd week it was a fast as heck backwind and resulted in great times. Third in this series overall.

Wheelers Ingham 10's   23.09/23.01/23.16/22.38

First races not sure what was happening and looking for answers which eventually came when changed the chainset back to my legacy 175mm cranks. Same power, same cadence , free speed, 30 second bump ! 

19.05.24 Eyam Half Marathon - Scorching hot day , brilliant but hard course, tough but oddly enjoyable. I had ridden 75 miles to Peterborough the day before, and the exercise was to hold form and start running hills effectively. We will see over the next day or so, if my quads thanked me !

30.05.24 Circuit Racing 

A better evening results wise but not weather wise - it was very windy and wet on the floor. In the first race I was a lonely 4th, and in the second, which was the handicap picked up maximum points after judging the sprint much better. 

05.06.24 Wheelers 15 Champs 

2nd, on a course that I really like.

06.06.24 Circuit Racing 

Still improving week on week, this one was a decent result, good effort first race and then 3rd in the handicap.

18.06.24 Wheelers 20 Champs 46:47 (19.5)

My only win of the season so far. Couldn't use Di2 on the poles, but managed better than anticipated - in all, a good night's work.

19.06.24 Great Limber Road Race 

Great fun, group one, massive group, strong up first climb to shed some, and then worked with the group to get around and up the climb for the third time to be in a position to jump on when the faster groups came by.  I was just in the right place to make the bridge and then drafted the fast guys to the bottom of the last climb. 

23.06.24 The Wales Half Marathon 1.40.20

Hot hot day, bus out to Pembroke, sit around for 2 hours and then a run back to Tenby , up and down hills on the way. Brutal HM, and a day after the 112 mile sportive !

January 14, 2024

Post Covid journey

Following the Langdale Marathon back in late October, I had a couple of weeks away from running and then an extended absence as somehow, I had picked up Covid. It would be my first case and thankfully I had mild symptoms manifest, with the worst of it being energy dips later in the day which resulted in the need for a kip or two. 

In terms of a return to training this was done very slowly - firstly, as recommended, during the illness, I did no exercise whatsoever, then it was a slow return to training. Since covid, I have raced a couple of 10ks....

Alton Towers 10k 49.59

This one was a birthday effort -  I would be 51 and blooming

heck did I feel all those years. I had looked forward to this one as it had been 20 years or so since my last trip to the park, and the route winds you around the rides. 

I was surprised by the amount of ups and downs on this course and that coupled with a higher than usual heart rate post illness, and my own limit placed on effort, resulted in an effort more akin to tempo but a heart rate that suggest a raced 10k. Marker down, next 10k was just a week later, I needed to beat this time, and my mate Scrappy, who had smashed me in this race ! 

A race well worth doing, as there's rides afterwards.

Gainsborough & Morton 10k 45.32

This one was raced last year and a time of 43:07 delivered. This time around, I was a week on from Alton Towers and was still in behave mode, however, I had experienced a decent week of training, and therefore with no issues , I could stretch out a bit more and have a quicker outing hopefully. It was windy but not too cold, it was OK to wear just a vest. the first half of the race being generally good, and a quickish pace, and then by the time we were skirting the Trent and into the back wind it was beginning to bite just a little. At this point, I caught a Wheeler who I didn't know was there, and then messed up the whole plan byu going far too hard in the last mile. 

Festive Fifty Sportive 

All four of the sharks got together for a fun day in the grimmest of grim conditions for the Yorkshire version of the festive fifty between Xmas & New Year.  Standing water meant that it was actually a festive 48, the minging weather was not enough to dampen a great days social riding. 

Round Sheffield Run 1.56.47

This was the first event of 2024 and something that looks like it will be an annual thing. This was run as a group and therefore the pace was a little easier than last year but it was still blooming tough , and blooming cold. It was the last time that I would use my trusty old brooks ASTs as they are now as flat as fuck, and by the end of this run my ankles were fuming with me. A good couple of hours with mates and a muddy half marathon in the bag, 2024 medal no.1 secured !